Building Our Businesses Together

The Dot Com Truths VIP membership is the only place to get 1-on-1 access for Q&A with me personally on an ongoing basis with voice message responses and personalized feedback to your business.

Business is always changing.

Always evolving.

We must evolve with it.

The VIP membership is the only place I'll be sharing in-depth insights of the highs and low, the testing phase, the experimentation of new tools, new trends, new business ventures, product launches, and so much more.

VIPs are the ones that will get to hear about it all as it happens and get the highest level of support me and my team provides.

What kind of support can you expect?

From Eran personally

I am going back to basics.

The Dot Com Truths Membership was originally a Q&A membership,

i.e. someone could send me a question anytime, and expect a helpful answer within 24 hours.

Founding members paid to get access to me.

This entire model is taught in my Expert Q&A Membership Launch Toolkit (which you get access as a DCT VIP).

This is what you get in DCT VIP, which you get nowhere else.

Access to me to ask any questions and get an helpful answer within 24 hours (either through an existing resources I already have, or a personal voice note from me, just like this one).

Click here for the bullet point summary of the voice note (generated by AI)

From Eran's tech support team

I have 2 wonderful tech support team members who work for me full-time and have been with me for years.

Peter & Rose.

You may have met them already.

As a DCT VIP, you can join the office hourse tech support calls (hosted 5 times per week) to get help from them.

You can also book a 1-on-1 tech support call with any of them, ANYTIME.

You have a tech question outside of the group calls, and don't have time to hop on a Zoom?

You can send an email to our helpdesk and get a reply within 24 hours at the latest with help.

When you need urgent help, we even create a group messenger chat with my team to get urgent help as well. You are my team's priority for support.

Verified Facebook Reviews & Video Testimonials

Skeptical? You should be.

Lots of BS online.

Here are some video testimonials from people who worked with me

DCT VIP Enrolment Process & Pricing, explained

Dot Com Truths VIP pricing information

Welcome! This page was created to provide complete transparency on the Dot Com Truths VIP pricing.

Existing members of the VIP membership have no change to their current plan. I always honor whatever price someone joined at.

For new members, this is the information:

Enrollment Fee

Joining the DCT VIP membership requires an enrollment fee.

This upfront payment for joining which will give you 3 or 6 months access.

Then, if you choose to continue after the initial period, you'll be able to subscribe for ongoing monthly subscription.

Here are the two enrollment fee options:

Option 1: $997

6 months access

  • All Templates & Guides (100+ Canva templates, Dozen Email templates, templates)
  • Private Facebook Community for DCT VIPs
  • 5 group calls per week for tech support with my VA team
  • Unlimited 1-on-1 calls for tech help with my tech team (no need to wait for group calls)
  • Access to Eran personally for Q&A and business advice

Bonuses 🎉

  • 1-on-1 coaching session with Eran personally upon joining at no extra cost
  • Lifetime Access to ALL my courses even if you decide to cancel my membership at any point. Every one of my courses - YOURS.
  • $500 referral commission (one-time) in case you refer anyone else to the same VIP membership plan.
Option 2: $597

3 months access

  • All Templates & Guides (100+ Canva templates, Dozen Email templates, templates)
  • Private Facebook Community for DCT VIPs
  • 5 group calls per week for tech support with my VA team
  • Unlimited 1-on-1 calls for tech help with my tech team (no need to wait for group calls)
  • Access to Eran personally for Q&A and business advice

No Bonuses included ❌

  • 1-on-1 coaching session with Eran personally upon joining at no extra cost
  • Lifetime Access to ALL my courses even if you decide to cancel my membership at any point. Every one of my courses - YOURS.
  • $500 referral commission in case you refer anyone else to the same VIP membership plan. (Note: you will receive $100 referral commission still if you do refer anyone)

I completely understand this is not a small commitment of money and energy for some (remember, I was on the unemployment benefit when I first started online).

And if it makes you more comfortable to speak with me on Zoom first before committing to my membership, this option is available for a 1-hour introductory coaching session.

This is not free, but reasonably priced to give you a chance to meet me over Zoom first (applicable to people who have never spoken to me on Zoom previously).

I also wanted to give you another option to speak to some people who are in my membership at no cost for a 15 minutes chat to ask any questions.

I trust them to tell you to not join if you are not ready for it, and I also trust them to answer any questions and be helpful to you.

What are the subscription options?


Once your access to the membership for the initial period is complete, you'll have the option to subscribe with the following options:

  • Monthly: $99/month
  • Quarterly: $197/quarter (which is $66/month)
  • Annually: $730/year (which is $61/month)
Special offer for first time members

There is going to be an order bump for you to join at $55/month if you commit to that at the same time as you pay the enrollment fee.

But you won't be charged until the period is over.

If you are on the 3 months access period, you'll only be charged $55/month starting 90 days later.

If you are on the 6-months access period, you'll only be charged $55/month starting 180 days.

This is a one-time chance to join at that $55/month price.

What Courses do you get access to?

As a DCT VIP, you get access to every digital course I create:

  • Landing Page in a Day: After building 100s of landing pages for myself and others, there is a simple framework to get one done for most niches. This course will walk you through step-by-step, a simple to follow process, to set up your landing page every time you want to launch a list building funnel.
  • Email Sequence in a Day: I have had the same email sequence welcoming new subscribers to my world for several years... it works for me automatically in the background. This course will walk you through, step-by-step, a simple to follow process, to write your welcome email sequence for your new email subscribers with bonus email template for other use cases.
  • Thank You Page in a Day: An often neglected page that can make the difference between your new subscriber becoming a paying customer or not. This course will walk you through my playbook for creating this type of page and the various use-cases - with templates included.
  • Lead Magnet in a Day: Creating your first lead magnet is actually really simple... which is why it shouldn't take you more then a few hours with this course. But also, you'll find that along the journey you'll want to test more lead magnets. Which is why this course will be the playbook for you to go back to every time you're creating a new one with the library of templates available to help you get this task done every time.
  • Beginner's Guide to Email Marketing: Email Marketing is my most important channel for driving revenue. Affiliate revenue, relationship building, selling my own offers, doing product launches - but this isn't just about selling, far from. It's about building relationships in writing with people who at first have no idea who you are. Everything I know about this topic, I've document in this digital product.
  • Text Automations in a Day: I am all about being efficient and productive. I save several hours every week by simply using "shortcuts" that save me from repetative typing. This short workshop will share the software I am using, how to use it, and a ton of examples of use-cases in my business to help inspire you to find where you are wasting time and can fix that with this simple productivity hack.
  • Facebook Organic Mini-Course: When I first had a breakthrough in my business (late 2019), it was by selling website design services - something I still do to this day. But a skill in itself is no good, no matter how good you are, unless you know how to find customers and get people to trust you enough to hire you. Facebook was the social media platform I focused on to find those customers, and this enabled me to launch my service provider from the ground up and turn my side hustle into a full-time living. This required no paid advertising, just a ton of work and hustle doing organic marketing strategies. These are the strategies I teach in this course.
  • Testimonials & Social Proof Workshop: Part of my strategy to build relationships and convert new leads into sales is through social proof - this has been key to starting my freelancer career as a funnel builder back in late 2019, and continued to help me gain traction and turn it into a full-time career. Testimonials was a huge part of that. This workshop will show you behind the scenes of all the processes and automations for testimonials and social proof. From automating my review collections, to automating the displaying of these 5-star reviews.
  • Pre-Sell Your First Digital Product Workshop: I came up with the idea of pre-selling a digital product after watching 2 YouTube videos (this was in 2020). With the newfound inspiration I figured why not give it a go. And it worked! I've since used the same strategy with every digital product I want to launch: Pre-sell BEFORE creating. This workshop will walk you through a real-life example of me doing this. The workshop includes sales page template for making this launch as seamless as possible and with as little tech as possible.
  • Expert Q&A Membership Launch Toolkit: After 2 failed membership attempts, I succeeded the 3rd time (in April 2021). The idea for that 3rd membership was a Tech Q&A membership where people can ask me questions and get support in under 24 hours. This model worked so well for me and has evolved since. With AI, this type of a membership is even better and easier to launch and manage and I teach everything I know and give you tools to make it happen with this digital product.
  • YouTube SEO - how to rank on page 1 instantly: YouTube is one of my favourite traffic strategies and I have published 100s of videos to date. In 2019, I had a video myteriously gain so many views and engagement which led me to the question of "why would this specific video get so much traffic?" That question led to the rabbit hole of discovering YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Once I figured out why it happened, I created a very simple process for uploading a video to YouTube which helps increase the chances of getting more traffic for a long time. This course teaches the process to optimize the video so it is found by your ideal customer and is the exact course I use to teach my Virtual Assistants how to upload my own videos to YouTube and publish them correctly.
  • Video Editing Tutorials Course: Getting on page 1 of YouTube is about SEO, and to be honest, is not super hard. Staying on page 1... that's is a lot harder. And video creation and editing is a huge part of that. This is what I teach in this course. After I learned how to do video editing for my YouTube and course videos, I just did not have the time to continue doing that myself. So I recorded the process from A to Z using several software tools and all the basics of video editing (no matter the software). Using that courses, I trained my video editor to edit videos the way I want them. This is the course I used to train my own full-time video editor.
  • Hiring & Managing Virtual Assistants: In my first year as a service provider (2020), I had 3 part-time funnel builders working for me for the ocassional project. Later, I changed my business model and I no longer needed their services. A year after launching my membership, I hired 2 full-time virtual assistants to help me scale my membership and service and they have been with me since 2021 on a full-time basis. As I grew my video library, I also hired and trained a video editor who is also working for me full time. Everything I know about hiring and managing virtual assistants is covered in this course.
  • Flip eBook in a Day Course: In early 2021, I decide to uplevel my lead magnets and create evergreen digital assets for various parts of my business. The best way I could find was to create a flip eBook that is updatable anytime using my own sub-domain. After careful research, I discovered a tool called SimpleBooklet which I have been using ever since for various digital assets like my Membership PDF, my Landing Page Challenge Checklist, and more. These have helped me generate more leads and streamline my sales process. This course was created the document the various use-cases and how to set up a flip eBook from A to Z using this software, SimpleBooklet.
  • Facebook Group in a Day Course: In the middle of 2023 during my travels as a digital nomad, I became aware of the lead generation strategy relating to Search Engine Optimization on Facebook. I wanted to test this new strategy by creating a Facebook Group for tech tutorials for Systeme io customers and figured it is a good opportunity to document the process of creating a Facebook Group from A to Z. This course is that documentation.
  • Sales Funnel Workshop (Video Course): Since 2019, I have been building funnels for myself and my clients. This digital product will walk you through the various use-cases of using a sales funnel and how I do so in my business. Every part of a sales funnel is explained in simple terms. This is the product where I show behind the scenes of the funnels I have in my business.
  • Affiliate Marketing Challenge: Affiliate Marketing was my introduction to the online world back in 2017. But there are a lot of scams out there. And it was only in 2019, the penny dropped for me on how I could and should do affiliate marketing the right way. Since than, I've slowly but surely built up my affiliate income streams to the point where I make more from passive affiliate income than I used to when I worked a 9 to 5 job in Australia. This challenge will walk you through everything you need to know about starting an ethical affiliate marketing business the right way.

And more being released periodically...

On the roadmap for 2025:

Pretty Links Course...

Traffic Course...

Sales Page in a Day Course...

What Templates & Guides do you get access to?

As a DCT VIP, you get access to Templates & Guides - 100s of them.

Canva Templates,

Email Templates, Templates,

And more.

You can browse through below to get a taste of what's available instantly as soon as you join.

Canva Templates

Canva Templates are being released in a regular basis, and there are already so many that are ready for you to use instantly. Browse through to see the quality for yourself.

All the current templates

With ever template release, there is a thumbmail in the members area to make it easy to see what is what and belpw you will see an embed of all the existing templates available.

And more templates and guides being added on a regular basis.

Who should NOT join the membership yet?

You are not ready for this membership if...

  • You have not figured out what you are selling or what business you are doing
  • You do not have an email list or any sort of audience
  • You do not know what software you are using for your online business
  • You have not actually sold something online and proven the market wants what you have
  • In summary: This membership is not for someone who is brand new to the online world. You need at least a little bit of experience and proof of having taken action on the basics (list building, offer creation, selling)

If based on the above points, you are not ready to join the membership that is OKAY!

I have other products and services that are there to guide you first before you to join the VIP membership.

Here are the products/services you should explore first...

  • You have not figured out what you are selling or what business you are doing? Watch this YouTube video to figure out which of the 5 proven paths you need to take: Click here
  • You do not have an email list or any sort of audience? Go through the Landing Page Challenge as explained on this blog: Click here
  • You do not know what software you are using for your online business? Go through my Onboarding video series: Click here
  • You have not actually sold something online and proven the market wants what you have? Go through my free Traffic training to get traffic to your list building funnel or product/service
  • Learn how to pre-sell your first digital product
  • Learn how to get your first client as a coach or service provider.

All of the resources to get ALL the above done is covered in much greater detail in my Dot Com Truths Plus Membership (aka DCT PLUS) which is the best place to start first for any beginners to the online world.

It is a lot more affordable and is designed that way to give most people a chance to succeed without paying much to get the support they need.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a brand new VIP website.

I am going to leave this FAQ section blank for now in order to encourage you to email me with any questions you have after reading and/or watching all the information.

I will answer you personally through email on any questions, and use these questions in order to populate this section so that in the future all the information will be visible on this page.

Any question you have? Please email me right now to

Looking forward to hearing from you!
